Saturday, August 21, 2010

Degree's Convocation day....

7th August 2010 was the best day in my life eventhough there r sumthin dat make me upset...
I'll start wif d sad part 1st..
could u imagine when u r really excited to share the most happiness time in ur life with ur siblings but they r not there 4 u...the reason is they can't stand to wait for so long...actually all my siblings have attend my convocation's day...but when i just came out from d hall wif the excited feeling to meet dem but it really let me down when my parents said they're going back to hotel ad...its that time i try to calm myself...i love taking photo n what make me really upset bcoz i've plan to take a pic in a studio with my famly..but at last i just posing alone in studio..=(..its really make me wanna cry...

after dat i start to think back...why should i sad...u can't be like's ur day..enjoy to the fullest...yaaa...of course...b4 send back our 'jubah' i asked my frens to snap pic together for the last time...its really makes me cheer up...we enjoys taking photo..yeay!!!we finally got it..we're bachelor's degree holder was the best feeling ever...

the times comes to end, friendship last forever..after this it really hard to meet each other...really miss the moment wif my frens..XOXO!!!=)

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm working!!!!

19/07/10 aku start keja as NPI Engineer at JCY HDD dpt offer ne masa awal bln 7 aku mintak tangguh...sbbnya aku nk tgu offer lain...mungkin rezeki aku mmg kt aku decide utk pegi..1st day masuk keja agak bosan..biasa la sementara nak biasa ngn tmpt baru..tapi okla..partner satu dept. semuanya ok..boss pun ok je..tapi yg xbestnya..ramai staff kt situ ckp muka aku sama dgn salah sorg engineer yg tgh cuti bersalin..even boss aku pun ckp cmtu..haish...xpa..nnt engineer tu dh msuk keja blk nk amik pic sama2..then bole compare..huhu..

dari observation aku, keja kt JCY ne xla pressure sgt..agak rileks la...awal2 msuk terasa mcm boss plak bila aku p melawat production..haha..aku try la berbaik2 dgn operator local...nnt sng sket aku nak buat keja..for the 1st and 2nd week ne aku byk kena belajar and kenal pasti setiap process and product differentiation..agak byk la..huu

kat sini yang xbestnya xbole make up...nt ada effect pd smua yg keja kt sini smuanya natural beauty..bgs jgk..xpyh la nak beli budget..huwuu..

30/07/10 dapat gaji...walaupun xfull sbb aku masuk tgh bulan tapi ok la 1st gaji aku dpt hasil titik peluh sendiri..pdhal xla berpeluh sgt pun sbb keja kat dlm tue mcm dok dlm peti ais..
next month kena rajin buat ot..bru dpt byk sket...then nak blanja my mum and my dad...jasa deorg xterbalas as a daughter aku akan pastikan deorg alwiz happy them so much!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

13 July 2010...

Today is my birthday....i'm supposed to be happy...
but i feel empty...nothing...ukh!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I got the job...but...

In dilemma actually...aku dapat keja as Sales Engineer...btw xhope pun was my 2nd interview..xsangka lak dpt...bila pk balik,bole ka aku buat sales???tetiba xrs pun aku minat ngn marketing..kalau aku minat baik time Uni aku amik field marketing...but i'm a mechanical engineering bro in law dah tny aku da b4 interview..bole ke buat sales??then aq jawab layan jer...sbb aku xexpect dpt..sekali dapat..pening jgk kepala aku pk..then aku telan actifast 2bijik pastu tdo...lupa skejap..lps bgn ingat balik...damn...aku tny smua famly aku...both my sis suh amik father ckp sis in law said ikut kata hati..ukh...which one??tapi aq mmg xnak...tgh2 pening pasal neh, tetiba dapat call utk interview kt JCY Hdd Technology at penang on Monday(28 June)..dats mean aku kena balik perlis balik..asyik ulang alik shah alam - perlis..ukh...aku trus g beli tiket bas..nak naik flight sshkan akak aku lak nak g anta kt LCCT...pastu bila rs dah tenang sket..aku dapat lagi satu call for interview kat HITACHI Electronic (bangi) suh aku dtg selasa (29 June)..gila ke apa...aku baru nak balik perlis then kena dtg shah alam aku ckp kt dia aku lom confirm..monday ne aku call dia, is preparing for my interview at penang...lps tue bru nak pk HITACHI lak..pray for me...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Interview at SONY EMCS(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.....

Dapat call dr HR SONY...dia suh dtg interview 11 june kul 3 p.m untuk position design engineer..owh..damn...aku bru ja balik kg stelah sekian lama stuck kat shah alam...selama aku dok shah alam xnak lak panggil..aku dah balik perlis baru nak panggil..aku decide untuk pegi..SONY beb...bkn calang2 company...Sony tempat 1st aku interview...masa pegi tue xde la rs cuak..sbb dah set dlm otak aku nak grab experience interview since aku xpnah lg..tapi tak expect lgsg interview cmne...ingatkan biasa2 je...b4 interview ada 3 test...yg 1st IQ test, secnd verbal test n 3rd interpret data test...soklan dah la killer..pastu ms singkat...dah abis ja 3 test baru start interview...interviewee ada 5 org termasuk aku...and interviewer ada 5 org gak...HOD (head of department) jepun, 2 org malay n 2 org chinese...soklan dari deorg xnak tough plak kan...smua soklan aku bole jwb...tapi xtao la..klu ada rezeki ada la...aku rs bersyukur sbb aku dapat pengalaman yg berharga i'm waiting for the next interview...waiting n waiting......

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can't stop my tears down...

Too much memory in melaka..malam ne rs sedih sgt...can't stop my tears down..
4tahun kt melaka byk sgt kenangan yg xbole lupa..perpisahan with frens kt sni plg terasa...lps neh all of my frens dah bwk haluan masing2..but the most sad part is i will leaving my boyfie...after dis, we will far apart..sedih sgt...if kt sini, anytime or anyhow if i need him, he will come to lepas ne mcm mana??how could i face this...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Terrible Week!!!

This week sgt bz...24 hours facing my lappy....dah naik juling bijik mata...mana xnya..i need to submit my PSM on 7/ yg spatutnya setahun punya keja, tangguh2 jd sminggu punya x gila jadinya...mmg serabut, rushing ke sana sini jumpa my supervisor...luckily my sv xbanyak songeh...a week xdpt tdo...asyik tertdo dpn lappy...luckily my lappy xbuat hal di saat akhir...klu x aku jd student UTeM ke-2 gila sbb PSM punya psal...

Thanks a lot to my housemate which help me finish up my report..if xde deorg rsnya aku dah give up...luv u guys...after submit je report rs mcm terlepas satu beban yang lega...then, balik je umah smua this time jgn harap la ada org leh lappy pun dpt berehat lama after work for me in a week non-stop...sebab terlalu penat..aku boleh tertido dr 7.30pm sampai la 9.00a.m esok pg...gila..pompuan apa la aku neh..if bakal mak mertua tao confirm kena reject neh...haha...incik acak, dun ever tell ur mum new record..xpenah aku tdo sampai cmne...mmg btol2 koma...after dis nak struggle for my last exam in UTeM...phewww...aku dah nak xcaya...yeay!=)

Friday, March 5, 2010

'Perhentian Island' in Memory...

Sebut ja Perhentian Island, ol my classmate very excited....mana taknya....2-3 days b4 pegi, smua buat mcm2 preparation..ada yg setiap ptg g swimming, beli swimming suit, beli sunblock...hehe..although many obstacles, we finally managed to to my classmates who struggling to ensure the success of this study visits or VACATION....n dun even care wut outsiders think of us..haha..this vacation will always be the sweetest memory in my life and will never be forgotten..a lot of memories we shared friends smuanya very helpful first terjun masa snorkeling, i suddenly panic...dunno wut to do..padahal b4 tue dah train dah..luckily i've saved by someone..really thanks to him..can call him as my 'hero' la..haha...while snorkeling, i really enjoy viewing the natural beauty created by our Creator...ALLAH S.W.T...the best part ever...tapi rs xpuas sebab rasa macam kejap sangat...pic for sure mmg banyak gila la...i just love lak di sana sini...haha...rugi la kan if xamik pic banyak2...bukti our memories in Perhentian...just 3 days in Perhentian not ENOUGH!!!....hari nak balik tue rs cm xmo balik ja...bila balik kena ngadap a lot of work which always waiting for me..demn!!!and for my BMCD's guys the best...rawk babe!!love u ol always..n our friendship last forever!!!nnt kita buat reunion kat Perhentian eh??hheheh...=)...some pic buat tatapan see more, visits my facebook...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I LoVe Shopping!!!

CNY i xblk kg...sedih...=(..but it's ok..i just spent my hols at my sis house at Shah Alam...
Saturday morning, planned after subuh nak gerak blk shah alam sbb tkut jammed, but then, 7.30a.m baru gerak..hehe..luckily traffic runs smoothly..around 9, yeay..dah sampai...miss my nephew so much..then, my sister n bro in law just planned to have a famly day it...for sure la shopping..the best part sis asked me which shopping mall i prefer to go..then, automatically i said "SOGO"..sampai je sn..naik juling jgk la bijik mata tgk banyak gle sale..huhu..lagi satu part yg best, my sis belanja..thanks u so much..tersengih panjang la memilih bju...huhu..part yg i really hate is xtao nak pilih mana satu sbb byk sgtttt..damn..lama jgkla cam xckup ja satu hari..bila dah bayar..i xnak toleh blkg dah..tkut nyesal..huhu..then, otw balik dinner kt restoran Zulyahya area shah dia xde pun..xberpeluang la nak jmpa dia..lps makan ja rs penat gle...tapi best sgt sbb dpt shopping!!yeay!

Friday, February 5, 2010

I dunno how i hurt?

i'm hurting...but i dunno how i hurt...
i feel myself suffocating coz of this feeling...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Trouble is a friend...@-@

Trouble will find u no matter where u go..
No matter if u're fast, No matter if u're slow..
The eye of the storm..
Wanna cry in the morn..
U're fine for a while..
But u start to lose control..
Trouble is a friend, but trouble is a foe..
No matter what i feed him, he always seems to grow...
He sees what is see and he knows wut i know..
So dun forget as u ease down on my road..
How i hate the way
He makes me feel
And how i try to make him leave...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

You've Change!!!

This of my friends said, "As, hg sedar x hg dah berubah skg???bkn aku ja yg ckp mcm tue but all your girl frens". Is it?i'm totally dunno dat i've change. I just wannabe myself..maybe i did something they dun like...if i cepat bengang or cpt marah,dat is my behaviour...even my boyfie pn ckp wut?i do love my friends here...common la...just a few months ja lg we can be one have influence me n this is me..mmg la ssh nk puaskan hati smua org...i just try to be myself!!i dun mind wut people said, i just try to be the best n not hurting people...sorry to my dear friends!!!love u....=)..friendship never ends!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Get A New Look Just In 3 Minutes!!!

Let's try 'EUMORA' first i heard bout EUMORA, ish...apa benda ne...then, after my cousin try at my face, hah??wow...memang ada perbezaan...just 3 minutes...could u believe this???
mula2 tue was-was jugak nak pakai...then my cousin said this product takde chemical compare to others and safe to use...'EUMORA' is made from 'moor' - tanah liat, i decide to use this product and now, about 2 months i use this product and my skin look fairer than more oily pores pun dah makin mengecil...
Guys...u should try 'EUMORA'...don't waste ur money using others...for clearly information bout 'EUMORA' let's read article below:

If berminat dengan sabun 'EUMORA', just text me...u will never regret using 'EUMORA'..its for ur own benefits...aha..=)