Friday, December 25, 2009
I'm in a bad mood rite now!!!
to all my frenz...congrats for ur good result..keep it up...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Riang Ria Cuti...
Buah anggur yg belum menjadi..ngeh2
~lepas pegi ldg anggur, ktorg pegi round2 kt kuala perlis...cari mentarang...yummy...sdp tao mentarang...mentarang adalah sejenis siput if korg xtaula...lepas tue ktorg lepak jap makan ais kacang kat tepi laut...sdp woo...huuu..masa round2 perlis...tringat kenangan zaman skolah dulu...really miss that memory...masa zaman skolah dulu slalu gak pegi kuala perlis...g lepak2 ngn member2...g dating..hehee..
~then, malam lak pegi makan ikan bakar kat kuala perlis..yummy...nikmatnya makan....lepas abis makan, my nephew nak naik kereta kuda lak...layankan jer....haha...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
So, let's start with my project which is 'Paper Bicycle Project'...have u heard bout this b4???
Bicycle which totally made up with paper where human can rides on first i get this project i just think are they crazy want us to do this??uh..really stress actually....but as a student no choice...
on 14 October 2009 is a Design n Automotive we need to race our bicycle and compete with other groups...aha...sounds interesting rite?let's take a look my bicycle...hee...the colours is yellow and blue which is coincidentally same as bendera Perlis...heee
Before n after
The best part in this competition is we win the race...hahaa...actually tak expect pun dpt no.1...but then after they annouce the result terkejut jgk la...huuu
We win the 1st priZe...yeah!!we won the race...unexpected result...
1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Before race...all BMCD very excited at this moment.....masa race tue mcm2 aksi ada...haha...klaka gila...ada yang nak kayuh xboleh...ada yang xsempat kayuh dah collapse...n mcm2 lagi la....really have fun..u should go and watch it...must!
We are the winner...
We win the race..but u all are the winner....Bachelor Mechanical Engineering Design (BMCD) student is the u all!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Feeling so upset....
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Bring dem to me....
This all about paper bicycle project(PBP)...could u imagine i need to spend my whole weekend fer this PBP... tomorrow ada test instrumentation+workshop for PBP..
Workshop 9.00 a.m - 5.30 p.m n ada test kul 12...break at 11.00a.m then 1.45p.m kna msuk workshop it worth..huh..a lot of things to do!!!sometimes feel like wanna stop study n get married..but it won't happen coz i got mission in my life...this time really miss my family n my boyfie...miss them so muchh!!plz bring dem to me now!!
Monday, August 17, 2009
BBQ+MOVIE day...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Let's twist your tongue...hee
If I assist a sister-assistant, will the sister's sister-assistant assist me?
"What ails Alex?" asks Alice.
Alice asks for axes.
Once upon a barren moor
There dwelt a bear, also a boar,
The bear could not bear the boar,
The bear thought the boar was a bore.
At last the bear could bear no more
That boar that bored him on the moor.
And so one morn he bored the boar-
That boar will bore no more!
A big bug bit a bold bald bear and the bold bald bear bled blood badly.
Bad black bran bread.
Big ben blew big blue bubbles.
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter."But," said she,
"this butter's bitter.If I put it in my batter,
It will make my batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter-
That would make my batter better.
"So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter(better than her bitter butter)
And she put it in her bitter batter
And made her bitter batter a bit better.
The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive.
Blue bugs blood.
I bought a box of biscuits,a box of mixed biscuits,and a biscuit mixer.
Bill had a billboard.
Bill also had a board bill.
The board bill bored Bill,
So Bill sold his billboard
And paid his board bill.
Then the board bill
No longer bored Bill,
But though he had no board bill,
Neither did he have his billboard!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
My BABY M0o...
Tgkla..3 ekor itik kt blkg tue nak interframe jgk...
My dad's farm..tgkla baby..i asked him to stay there as a model..
Balik kampong...o0o0o..yeay!!
Rest n lepak at Mamak
With Along
With Pakcik
Pakcik n sleepy..hee
Pakcik is going to cry when we're leaving him..buhbye!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Paper Bicycle Project....
Jum Balik!!!Bye....
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Future design engineer+future automotive engineer
Look at epul n serius...haha..rileks la...but girl next to lala sempat lg posing..hehee..padahal epul n lala tgh control tuh..kn2??

Hah..siap pn..but yg ne baru satu..we got another one..ukh..fenat2..Just a simple rack..not for sale okey..if berminat just drop a comment...ahak...=)
'Angah' and 'Achik'
Wanna hangout..but bored...better lepak umah...
Above are 'booncit' and 'lepiaq'...belong to my ousemate a.k.a lala..correct me if i'm wrong bout the spelling..hee
This is 'ququ' n 'qiqi'...belong to my ousmate too a.k.a Biby...Kitorg satu umah gile bela ikan...dunno why..actually its start when dila,my roomate bwk balik ikan dia...nampak mcm comel jew ikan2 tue..then ktorg pn rs nak bela jgk...we bet whose fish mati dulu...bole plak kan??then esoknya lala pnya ikan mati...terbahak2 la day biby pny ikan lak mati..hahaha..
'Bubu', 'Meme' and 'Jojo" belongs to my roomate a.k.a dila...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Celebrating our Birthday...
