Wanna hangout..but malas..melaka..so bored...better lepak umah...
Let me introduce 'angah' n 'achik'...hee..they really inspired me to study...love them...actually i have 'along' too..but 'along' leave me so early..isk..sedeynya...=(..one day masa nak main2 ngn 'along', 'angah' n 'achik' tetiba 'angah' n 'achik' je naik atas...dat time my heart start beating so fast...where is 'along'??...then bila tgk betol2 'along' dah kaku kat bwh...sedihnya...my dear ckp i kejam sbb xpandai jg deorg..isk..is it my fault??ukh...
Above are 'booncit' and 'lepiaq'...belong to my ousemate a.k.a lala..correct me if i'm wrong bout the spelling..hee
This is 'ququ' n 'qiqi'...belong to my ousmate too a.k.a Biby...Kitorg satu umah gile bela ikan...dunno why..actually its start when dila,my roomate bwk balik ikan dia...nampak mcm comel jew ikan2 tue..then ktorg pn rs nak bela jgk...we bet whose fish mati dulu...bole plak kan??then esoknya lala pnya ikan mati...terbahak2 la ktorg...next day biby pny ikan lak mati..hahaha..
'Bubu', 'Meme' and 'Jojo" belongs to my roomate a.k.a dila...
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